Unsent Draft

05/03/2017 03:21

I’m starting to feel again.

It’s been a long time coming and it scares me. But I know it’s a sign that I’m moving on. It can only be good.

But it’s more than a feeling, it can be measured: in centimetres between skin, in chemicals released by my brain. Tonight I sat next to a woman. Not a girl. A woman. And every movement she made was significant. Every touch we made was loaded with meaning. Perhaps I was projecting, hoping against hope that there was something there. And though I couldn’t be sure, there was something there. An emotional connection.

I haven’t felt that since the days we were still whatever we were. To be able to sit next to a someone and feel something. I’ve craved that which you took from me.

She may disappear from my life soon and that’s okay. We weren’t meant to be anything. But she’s made me realise: you don’t control me anymore.