hi, i'm Alistair Westwood, also known as mird.

I'm a writer, narrative designer and former academic based in the UK. this is the place to find a few of the things I've worked on. if you were looking for my CV, that's here. you can also view a few of my samples (including some of the ones on this site) together in this handy binder.

for narrative design, you could check out a couple of my IF stories: one set in sweden and another set in space (or its print-based adaptation).

you might also be looking for a sample of my comic script work or my rarely-sighted prose about things like birdhouses and time travel. during quarantine, I've been returning to fanfiction, and wrote a saucy story for the Sheer Trouble fanzine, which will be out soon (I'm not allowed to share it yet...unless you ask)!

for my more academic stuff, I'd suggest this paper on alternate reality games or a complete game design document created for research purposes during my first dissertation.

if you'd like to take a look at my other work, have questions or want to chat feel free to contact me via email.

finally, if you like weird nonsense, check out my nanofiction twitter.

new site under construction here